Preventing traffic accident

Driving is a work activity in its own right. However, taking to the road is not without its risks: road accidents on mission account for 25% of fatal accidents at work (source INRS).

Fictis Prévention has developed two « preventing traffic accident » e-learning modules for your employees. These modules cover journeys made as part of professional missions. The various methods of prevention will also benefit everyday travel.


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pictogramme de formation e-learning

E-learning module

pastille drapeau français



Gestes durables au volant
Prévention du risque routier

Standard version

Road risks
Statistical data
Other risks
Liability and penalties

The driver
The environment

The vehicule
The driver
Other road users

Specific risks
Preventive measures

This training module is made up of multimedia animations: video, 2D, photographs, etc. Each chapter is completed by placement tests, summaries and practical exercises (manipulations).

At the end of the training, the learner is evaluated. The analysis of the results obtained makes it possible, when necessary, to implement appropriate corrective measures. A knowledge positioning test – offered before the training – can also complete this module.

35 minutes

Risque routier version experts

Expert version

At the end of the training, the learner is evaluated. The analysis of the results obtained makes it possible, when necessary, to implement appropriate corrective measures. A knowledge positioning test – offered before the training – can also complete this module.

40 minutes


These e-learning modules are aimed at sales staff, technical and maintenance departments, professional drivers and anyone exposed to road risk in the course of their professional duties or during journeys between home and work.

Objectives of the training

The aim of these distance learning courses is to raise awareness and train your staff in road safety.
In particular, learners will be able to :

  • identify and become aware of road risks ;
  • encourage good habits ;
  • change their behaviour at the wheel.

Customisation of the module

This module can be customised in both substance and form.
We can integrate:

  • your instructions;
  • your graphical charter.

Formacode : 31817

Languages : French
Other languages on request