Electrical authorisations
B0 / H0 / H0V
specific security agents / S.S.I.A.P. 1

Application of amendment A2 from October 2024.

B0 / H0 / H0V electrical authorisations for non-electrical work: specific to security guards and S.S.I.A.P. 1.

Fictis Prévention offers an e-learning solution tailored to your employees who have to carry out non-electrical work in an electrical environment.

Theoretical training: initial and refresher.

2 h 30 maximum



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pictogramme de formation e-learning

E-learning module

drapeau espagnol


drapeau anglais



visuel d'un agent de sécurité de dos


Ce module e-learning s’adresse exclusivement aux agents de sécurité et S.S.I.A.P. 1, effectuant des travaux d’ordre non électrique.

Objectives of the training

  • Préparer aux habilitations B0 / H0 / H0V conformément à la norme NF C 18-510.
  • Exécuter en sécurité des travaux d’ordre non électrique.


  • vous inscrivez simplement vos collaborateurs sur notre/votre plateforme ;
  • l’apprenant accède aux modules de formation via Internet et peut échanger à distance avec un formateur (mail, forum, téléphone…) ;
  • à l’issue de la formation, le salarié est évalué par QCM ;
  • une attestation personnalisée est générée et prête à l‘envoi. La formation pratique sera réalisée par vos formateurs.
aperçu non contractuel de sécurité la formation préparation aux habilitations b0/h0/h0v spécifique agent de SSIAP 1

Training content

Initial training mode: the learner follows all the chapters and is assessed at the end of the course.

Refresher mode: placement tests enable the learners to automatically provide the appropriate training based on their knowledge. The refresher duration varies depending on the learners’ profiles.

Chapter 1: Regulatory and standard context
Chapter 2: Basics of electricity
Chapter 3: Risk analysis related to electricity
Chapter 4: Operations and certification levels
Chapter 5: Electrical hazards prevention
Chapter 6: Fires and accidents caused by electricity

Knowledge assessment (via MCQ)

At the end of the course, the trainee must complete a basic assessment via MCQ (100% required) followed by a final assessment via PCQ (60% required).

Downloadable summaries complete each chapter. The learner can consult these documents whenever necessary.

The content of the chapters has been adapted to take account of the specific nature of the target population to be trained (security guards / S.S.I.A.P. 1).

Customisation of the module

This module can be customised in both substance and form.
We can integrate:

  • your instructions;
  • your graphical charter.

Formacode : 24049

Languages: English, french, spanish.
Other languages on request.

Discover our educational booklet Electrical authorisations: non-electrical operations