Fire risk and evacuation

Preventing the risk of fire is part of an overall approach to preventing occupational hazards.

It concerns all companies and all employees.

To reduce the risks and limit the damage, everyone in the workplace needs to learn the basics of combustion, extinguishing, fire safety and evacuation.



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E-learning module

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aperçu d'une pochette de formation en ligne avec un visuel explicitant un potentiel départ de feu, et des sortie d'évacuation en industrie

Industrie sector

The aim of this support is to present the basic elements necessary for fire prevention in an industrial environment (maintenance and periodic checks, compliance with instructions, management of work with a fire permit, prevention plan, etc.).


This module is aimed at industrial plant personnel (employees, temporary staff, trainees, etc.).

Objectives of the training

On completion of the « Fire risk and evacuation in an industrial environment » course, learners will be able to :

  • identify the main causes of fire ;
  • understand how a fire develops and spreads ;
  • be familiar with the main measures used to prevent the appearance of a fire ;
  • be familiar with the main measures used to fight fire and limit its spread ;
  • set up teams and adopt coherent behaviour in case of fire ;
  • know the organisation of an evacuation and the main rules to apply according to the situation ;
  • organize as a team and behave consistently duringa building evacuation.

Training content

Chapter 1 : Fire theory and fire extinguishing
Chapter 2 : Fire safety organisation and intervention
Chapter 3 : General about evacuation
Chapter 4 : Evacuation plan and assembly point
Chapter 5 : Actors and main rules of evacuation
Chapter 6 : Delayed evacuation and waiting rooms

The module includes numerous exercises and filmed scenarios. It is supplemented by a downloadable summary document. The learner can consult this document whenever necessary.

At the end of the course, the learner is assessed. An analysis of the results obtained enables appropriate corrective measures to be taken where necessary. A knowledge positioning test – offered before the course – can also supplement this module.

45 minutes

aperçu d'une pochette de formation en ligne avec un visuel explicitant un potentiel départ de feu, et des sortie d'évacuation en milieu tertiaire

Tertiary sector

The aim of this support is to present the basic elements needed to prevent and fight fires in the tertiary sector.


This module is aimed at all employees in the tertiary sector.

Objectives of the training

On completion of the « Fire risk and evacuation in the tertiary sector » course, learners will be able to :

  • know the main causes of fire and their effects ;
  • identify and implement rescue resources appropriate to the nature of the risk ;
  • implement the main preventive measures and fire safety instructions ;
  • organize yourself as a team and adopting a coherent behaviour during a building evacuation.

Training content

Chapitre 1 : Fire fighting theory
Chapitre 2 : Means of initial response
Chapitre 3 : Preventive measures and knowledge of the instructions
Chapitre 4 : Evacuation

The module includes numerous exercises and filmed scenarios. It is supplemented by a downloadable summary document. The learner can consult this document whenever necessary.

At the end of the course, the learner is assessed. An analysis of the results obtained enables appropriate corrective measures to be taken where necessary. A knowledge positioning test – offered before the course – can also supplement this module.

35 minutes

Customisation of the module

This module can be customised in both substance and form.
We can integrate:

  • your instructions;
  • your graphical charter.

Formacode : 42872

Languages : French, English

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Fire risk and evacuation

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